Sounds from

I love this film, and I keep running into other people who love it, too. Usually at work. They'll talk about someone and say, "Yeh, that guy's a real Milton/Lumbergh/fill in your favorite character." Here are some moments in the film that make me laugh out loud. Note: some of the sounds focus on the same funny line, but maybe with a little more or less of the lines leading up to it.

Office Space sound 01 Office Space sound 02 Office Space sound 03 Office Space sound 04
Office Space sound 05 Office Space sound 06 Office Space sound 07 Office Space sound 08
Office Space sound 09 Office Space sound 10 Office Space sound 11 Office Space sound 12
Office Space sound 13 Office Space sound 14 Office Space sound 15 Office Space sound 16
Office Space sound 17 Office Space sound 18 Office Space sound 19 Office Space sound 20
Office Space sound 21 Office Space sound 22 Office Space sound 23 Office Space sound 24
Office Space sound 25 Office Space sound 26 Office Space sound 27 Office Space sound 28
Office Space sound 29 Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment.

Office Space links:

Office Space soundboard - become Lumbergh Roger Ebert, surprisingly, liked this film Yet another site with Office Space sounds
Buy the Office Space DVD Excellent Office Space write-up at Wikipedia Some fun "little known" facts about the film has, interestingly enough, sounds from the film See the Trailer here  

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