Beginner's Net Dictionary
If you need any additional information concerning any of the definitions in this dictionary, you should reference: How To Use A Search Engine. This will give you information on how to conduct a search of the Internet for the desired item.
A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
| J | K | L
| M | N | O
| P | Q | R
| S | T | U
| V | W | X
| Y | Z
- Anonymous FTP
- A way of logging into an FTP site to get
files. Typically you log in as user `anonymous'
and use your e-mail address as a password.
See Also: FTP
- Application
- A computer program that provides a service or useful function,
such as a word processor, spreadsheet, etc.
See Also: Client
- American Standard Code For Information Interchange. ASCII
is the international code used to represent text in a way that
all computers can understand.
- Attachment
- A file or document included in an e-mail message.
See Also: e-mail
- Bandwidth
- The amount of data that can be passed through a network connection,
usually expressed as the number of bytes or
bits that can be transferred in one second.
See Also: Bytes, Bits,
- Baud
- This is often confused with bits per second.
The baud rate is the number of times per second a modem changes
the signal it sends over the phone lines. A 2400-baud modem, for
example, changes the signal it sends 2400 times each second.
- Bulletin Board System. A BBS is an online
entity that allows people to exchange public and private messages,
and to exchange files. There are millions of bulletin board systems
around the world, and while many of them are connected to the Internet,
many are not.
- Binary File
- Binary files cannot be read on a computer's monitor. Data
in a binary file is stored as a series of 0's and 1's. Most programs
and images are stored as binary files.
- BinHex
- BINary HEXadecimal. BinHex is a software application that
converts a binary file into an ASCII file
so it can be transmitted over e-mail. This is a common format
on the Macintosh platform.
- Bit
- A bit is a binary digit. A bit can have the value of 1 or
0. Data, such as words you type onto the screen, is represented
as a series of ones and zeros. Bits are the building blocks of
bytes. Eight bits make a byte.
- Bits Per Second (bps)
- The number of bits that can be transmitted
in a second. A 2400-baud modem sends 2400 bits over the phone
lines each second.
- Browser
- A client program used to view documents
on the World Wide Web. Netscape Navigator is
a browser.
See Also: URL
- A common abbreviation that means By The Way.
- Byte
- A byte consists of eight bits. You can
think of a byte as the amount of space required to store one character
of text. Therefore, if a file has 150,000 bytes, it contains the
equivalent of 150,000 letters.
- Client
- A client is a software application that requests information
from a server. A computer can also be thought
of as a client. Your computer requests services from a server
when you connect to the Internet.
See Also: Browser
- Characters Per Second. CPS is the number of bytes
transferable in a second.
- Dedicated Line
- See Leased Line.
- Dial-Up
- To dial-up means to connect your computer or system to another
computer or system using a telephone line. Also, dial-up is the
name for a type of service offered by an
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
. With dial-up service, people can dial-up the ISP's
server and use it whenever they want.
- Domain Name System. DNS refers to the software and computers
responsible for translating a hostname
into an IP Address. In other words,
the DNS allows you to remember a name such as
rather than a long series of numbers that constitute the IP address.
- Domain Name
- The logical name of a computer network. For example,
is a domain that belongs to Microsoft, and computers in the Microsoft
network take hostnames off the
domain. The registration of domains is handled by a central body,
the InterNIC.
- Download
- To transfer a file from a remote computer to your computer.
See Also: Upload
- E-Mail
- E-mail is short for electronic mail. Just as we send paper
letters with the assistance of the Postal Service, we send electronic
letters with the assistance of computers. E-mail can also be used
as a verb, to e-mail.
- Ethernet
- Term used to describe the physical connections and internal
protocol of one form of local area network (LAN).
- FAQ is short for frequently asked question. You will find
collections of FAQs in many locations. When available, you should
always read the FAQs before you submit a question of your own
to a newsgroup or company.
- Flame
- A rude response to a newsgroup
posting or e-mail
- File Transfer Protocol is a method of transferring files from
one computer to another like yours.
See Also: Anonymous FTP
- Followup
- A UseNet posting that is in response
to a previous posting.
- Gateway
- A computer that provides a connection between two networks.
- Gopher
- A system for exploring Internet resources. Gopher provides
menu items from which you can make your selections.
See Also: Veronica
- Host
- Generally, any computer that is connected to the Internet,
and in some fashion serves users, can be considered a host. If
the server is a computer that can be logged into, or provides
a service such as a World Wide Web server,
it can be considered a host.
- Hostname
- The name of a host computer on the Internet
or some other network.
See Also: IP Address
- Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the language of the World Wide Web.
HTML is used to create hypertext documents
that can contain such things as pictures, sound and formatting.
What you are now reading is an example of a document created using
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP is the protocol used to
transmit documents on the World Wide Web. HTTP
can be thought of as the lowest level of the WWW,
it works behind the scenes and works to transmit documents to
your browser.
- Hypertext
- A hypertext document is one that displays `links' somewhere
in the text, such as this document. By clicking on highlighted
words or phrases, you are transported elsewhere in the document,
or perhaps to another document on a different computer located
thousands of miles away. The World Wide Web
and gopher are examples of hypertext document
See Also: HTML
- IP Address
- Internet Protocol Address. An IP address is a series of numbers
separated by periods, in the format This is a unique
address that identifies the computer associated with it. When
you point your browser to a name such as, that name is translated into a number, and then
transmitted onto the Internet where the computer with that number
- IRC is short for Internet Relay Chat. IRC is a protocol that
allows people to connect special IRC clients
to IRC servers. When you connect your IRC
client to a server, you can chat, in real time, with people all
over the Internet.
- Integrated Services Digital Network is a digital telephone
service. Because an ISDN line uses digital, rather than analog
signals, transmission speeds are relatively fast.
- An Internet Service Provider is a company that offers connections
to the Internet.
- Java
- Java is a programming language used to create applications
for use over the World Wide Web. These applications
can be anything from a simple animation, to a full- fledged client
for some other service. Using small Java applications, called
applets, programmers can spruce up a page to be interactive, and
provide more visual feedback to the user. For instance, an icon
might change in some way to indicate your cursor is positioned
over it.
See Also: HTML
- Kilo
- One thousand twenty four (round off to one thousand). Uses
include kilobyte, which represents one thousand twenty four bytes.
- Local Area Network. A LAN is a computer network that is usually
limited to one room or building. A network larger than one building
is a wide area network, WAN. The Internet is
an example of a WAN.
- Leased Line
- A telephone line that is permanently connected between two
locations. Leased lines are typically used to connect a local area network (LAN)
to an Internet service provider (ISP).
- Log In
- The process of connecting to a network or computer, entering
your username and password, and beginning
a session.
- Login
- A username associated with a computer
account. When you sign-on with an Internet service provider (ISP),
you are given an account and a username.
- Modem
- MOdulator DEModulator. A modem is a device used to connect
two computers over a telephone line. The device converts digital
computer signals into analog signals that can be sent over the
phone line.
See Also: Bits Per Second (bps),
- Multi-User Dungeon (Domain, Dimension). A MUD is an environment
on the Internet that allows people to interactively participate
in role-playing games. MUDs can also be used in business for conferencing,
and as educational tools.
- Network
- A group of computers and/or other devices connected by a communications
channel. Networks enable users to share resources such as files
and printers.
- Newsgroup
- See UseNet.
- Offline
- A computer if offline when it is not currently connected to
a network. This occurs when a computer
is turned off, or is physically disconnected. Offline is the opposite
of online.
- Online
- A computer is online when it is currently connected to a network,
and it is turned on. Online is the opposite of offline.
- Packet
- A packet is a chunk of computer data transferred over a computer
network, such as the Internet. Packets travel over the network
independently, sometimes by different routes. They are reassembled
when they reach their destination. Most packets are small, usually
less then 1,500 bytes long.
- Password
- See Also: log in, login
- Posting
- A message sent to a mailing list or a newsgroup
- Query
- A request submitted to a database to search for a particular
word, phrase or category.
- Queue
- A list of items, such as print jobs, waiting to be sent from
one device to another. A queue is like a line at the theater--the
first person in the line is the first person to go into the theater.
In a printer queue, items in the list are printed in the order
they were submitted, i.e., first in, first out.
- Router
- A router is a computer that connects two or more LANs
to form a WAN. Without routers, the Internet
would just be a collection of isolated LANs
without any way to talk to each other.
- Server
- A server is a computer that performs a service for other computers
on the network. This might be any number of things, but an example
would be a host running WWW
software. Server can also refer to the software performing the
service, i.e., the software that transfers WWW
data is called a WWW server.
- Shell
- On UNIX computers, accounts can be given that allow the user
to connect to the computer and perform commands, such as creating
directories and files, much like a DOS session. The software is
called a Shell, and the accounts are commonly referred to as shell
- Signature
- A file, normally a couple of lines, containing information
such as an e-mail address and a name. The
signature is appended to e-mail messages,
and UseNet postings. Another kind of a signature
is a digital signature that assures that the document was, in
fact, written by the person who claims to have written it, and
that it has not been tampered with during transport. This is important
for sensitive messages.
- Transmission Control Protocol. The low-level protocol that
allows network packets to be transferred
from one computer to another. The Internet is partly based on
this protocol.
- Telnet
- A network client that allows the user
to connect to a remote computer, and log in to use a shell
account, or use some service such as a MUD.
- Upload
- To transfer a file from the user's computer to a remote computer.
See Also: Download
- Uniform Resource Locator. A type of address that can be used
to locate computer resources on the World Wide Web. It consists
of a protocol, a hostname, a port (optional),
a directory (optional) and a file name (optional). Examples of
protocols are: http, ftp,
gopher and telnet.
A URL looks like this: The protocol
is 'http', the hostname is '' and the directory
is 'Help'.
- UseNet
- The official name for the network of
machines and resources that provide newsgroups
to Internet users. A newsgroup is like a public bulletin board.
People can look at the groups that interest them, and post information,
questions, etc. Other people reading the same newsgroup can read
their original post and, if desired, post a followup.
UseNet is like e-mail in that it is not real-time,
like IRC.
- Username
- The name a person uses to log in to
a computer. It is also the first part of an e-mail address.
- Veronica
- Veronica is a tool used to search titles in Gopher
menus for keywords specified by the user. Veronica searches menu
titles, not the data inside files.
- Wide Area Network. A WAN is the result of connecting two or
more LANs. The Internet is an example of a
very large WAN.
- The World Wide Web. The web is a name for the collection of
documents and resources located on the Internet, written in HTML
and using http. The WWW uses a hypertext
infrastructure to provide quick access to information and resources
all over the globe. The web is normally accessed with a browser.
See Also: Java
- Xmodem
- A file-transfer protocol used to upload
and download data from one computer to
- Ymodem
- A file-transfer protocol used to upload
and download data from one computer to
- Zmodem
- A file-transfer protocol used to upload
qand download data from one computer to