Signature Files
A signature is information you can cause to appear at the end of all outgoing e-mail messages and news postings. Typically, a signature consists of your name, address and other similar information, but you can display any text you want, such as your favorite quote. A signature is not required for e-mail to work. To use a signature, you must create a signature text file. You only have to type the text once, and your e-mail or news program automatically appends it to the end of any outgoing e-mail message or news posting.
To create a signature file
- Open a plain text editing program such as Windows NotePad or Windows Wordpad.
- Type information, such as your name and phone number, to appear at the end of all e-mail messages and news postings. Limit each line to about 65 characters (including spaces), pressing ENTER at the end of each line.
- Save the file, giving it any name you want.
Different newsgroup and e-mail programs find your sig file in different ways. Here's how to tell Netscape where the file is:
To use a signature file with Netscape
- On the Options menu, click Mail and News Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears.
- Click the tab for the Identity page of the dialog box.
- Click the Browse button. When the Signature File dialog box appears, use it to look through folders until you can select the text file you saved.
- Click Open. The Signature File dialog box closes and information appears in the
- Signature File text box.
- Click OK.
To stop using a signature file with Netscape
- On the Options menu, click Mail and News Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears.
- Click the tab for the Identity page of the dialog box.
- Click on the None radio button to disable the Signature file.
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