Newsgroup Troubleshooting
This section lists some commonly occurring newsgroup problems and suggests solutions.
Opening the news window displays no newsgroups.
Possible causes and solutions for the problem include:
- Netscape News is set to display subscribed groups only, and you have unsubscribed to all groups.
To Fix: On the Options menu in the news window, click Show All Groups. For more information on subscribing and unsubscribing to Newsgroups, see the Subscribing to a Newsgroup section.
- You haven't opened a news server folder.
To Fix: Double-click a folder in the news server pane of the news window. It opens to display subfolders and/or newsgroups.
- The newsgroups you previously connected to are no longer active.
Clicking a newsgroup name and no articles are listed in the article header pane
Possible causes and solutions for the problem include:
- Netscape Mail is set to show unread articles only, and all articles are marked as read.
To Fix: On the Options menu in the news window, click Show All articles. - There are no recent postings on the newsgroup.
- The news server (computer) supplying the newsgroup is having technical difficulties. Try again later.
Unable to view old articles even though Netscape News is set to show all articles.
Possible cause for the problem is:
- Many news servers (computers that supply newsgroups and the articles posted to them) automatically purge (delete) articles every few days to make room for new articles.
Posting a article to a newsgroup but the article isn't displayed
Possible causes and solutions for the problem include:
- You may have clicked the To Mail or Re Mail button instead of the To News or Re News button.
- The article might not have had time to appear, due to heavy traffic on the Internet or on the news server (the computer supplying the newsgroup and the articles posted to it). If 12 hours pass and you still don't see the article, try posting again.
- The newsgroup, instead of being completely automated, may have a moderator. The moderator might be reviewing the article or may have blocked it from appearing.
Main Newsgroup/Usenet Page
Main FAQ Page
Main Internet Primer Page
Bob Fahey's Home Page