How to Search

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Searching is different from browsing, in that you
are trying to find some specific information, vs wandering around looking at
things that interest you.
Click in the box below, and type a few words that describe what you are
looking for. For example, typing growing orchids indoors would
find sites about caring for orchids.
You may specify, by clicking on the small arrow next to World Wide
Web what areas you would like to search. World Wide Web is the
Using English words and phrases, without special symbols or punctuation,
usually works best. However, you can refine your search by learning a few
of the tips below.
Search Tips
Finding Proper Names
Capitalize proper names, such as "December" and "California."
- If you capitalize adjacent names, this search engine will treat the
words as a single name.
For example, to find sites that mention actress Rain Phoenix, type:
Rain Phoenix
If you don't capitalize a proper name, it will be treated like any other
word. Typing rain phoenix will find sites about weather
and Phoenix (Arizona), rather than information about this celebrity.
- If you want to search for more than one name, use commas to separate the
different names.
For example, to search for Babe Ruth and the Boston Red Sox, type:
Babe Ruth, Boston Red Sox
Forgetting the comma between proper names causes them to be treated as one
single long name. A search for Babe Ruth Boston Red Sox
would yield no results.
Finding a Phrase
Use double quotation marks around, or hyphens between words that are part of
a phrase.
Finding Words that Appear Together
Use brackets to find words that appear within 100 words of each other, such
as words you would expect to see in the same sentence or paragraph.
For example, to find safety tips for using elevators, type:
[elevator safety]
Without the sqare brackets, your search results will include safety tips for
hotel visitors and travelers. With the brackets, it finds the home page for
the National Association of Elevator Safety Associates.
Specifying Words that Must Appear in the Results
Put a plus sign (+) in front of words that must be in documents found by
this search.
For example, to find city guides about San Francisco, type:
city guide +San Francisco
Do not put a space between the plus sign (+) and the word.
Specifying Words that Should Not Appear in the Results
Put a minus sign (-) in front of words that should not appear in any
documents found by the search. For example, to find all resources
containing python but not monty, type:
python -monty
Do not put a space between the minus sign (-)and the word.