Deus Ex 1 Single-Player FAQ
Or, "How do I keep Such-and-Such Character from dying?"
This mostly addresses Deus Ex 1 questions like, "What should I do at so-and-so point in the game if I want to make sure so-and-so doesn't die?"
Since Deus Ex has a great story, beware of spoilers here.
Look elsewhere for most non-gameplay, non-story issues.
Game Specifics AND SPOILERS
- What is the best weapon to ask for from Paul at the beginning?
- Is there any benefit to taking a non-lethal approach throughout the entire game?
- Where is the terrorist leader on Liberty Island?
- What happens if I take the non-lethal approach to the Liberty Statue mission?
- Where is the secret hideaway in Alex Jacobson's office?
- Do I have to kill Lebedev? Do I have to kill Anna Navarre?
- Do I have to join the NSF? Can I stay with Unatco?
- How do I align the Satellite dishes to send out the message to the NSF?
- Is there any way to save Paul when you meet him in the 'Ton?
- How do you save Miguel?
- Where is Anna Navarre's killphrase? Gunther's?
- How do you save Smuggler?
- Where is the flooded tunnel on Tonochi (sp?) road with the versalife employee?
- Do I need to save tiffany?
- How do you save Tiffany?
- Where is the ambrosia for Stanton Dowd?
- Is there any way to save Jock?
- How many endings are there?
- How do I view the fourth ending?
General Game Issues
- How do I enable cheats?
- What is the Matrix mode?
- How many augmentation upgrades are there in the game?
- I think I missed an Aug Canister, are there others?
- What does Deus Ex mean?
- How do you pronounce Deus Ex?
- When was Deus Ex released?
- Is there a patch for the game?
Game Specifics AND SPOILERS
- What is the best weapon to ask for from Paul at the beginning?
It depends. You can loot the sniper rifle and mini-crossbow off of enemies in the first level so common sense would say the GEP gun. But if you spent skill points on small guns then you might want the crossbow right away, and the same with the rifles skill & the sniper rifle. Also, if you want to go non-lethal, then it might be wise to pick up the crossbow first. And there is no real reason to need the GEP gun on the first level.
- Is there any benefit to taking a non-lethal approach throughout the entire game?
It seems that the only distinction between dead and unconscious is made in the first couple of levels. After that there is no technical reason to knock someone out rather than kill them right off.
- Where is the terrorist leader on Liberty Island?
At the very top of the building supporting liberty statue, keep going until you find a ladder, he is shortly after that.
- What happens if I take the non-lethal approach to the Liberty Statue mission?
You will get more of a Credit Bonus from Manderley, You will be able to receive ammo from Sam Carter, your brother will like you better, and anna navarre will not be pleased with having a pacifist for a partner.
- Where is the secret hideaway in Alex Jacobson's office?
At the side of the table to the right hand side when you enter. Look at the floor.
- Do I have to kill Lebedev? Do I have to kill Anna Navarre?
You have three options on the 747. You can kill Lebedev and please Anna, you can kill Anna and please the NSF, or you can let Anna kill Lebedev and please no one.
- Do I have to join the NSF? Can I stay with Unatco?
Yes. No.
- How do I align the Satellite dishes to send out the message to the NSF?
Think simple. All you have to do is align all of them at one time and you're done. This part probably wasn't meant to be complicated so just take it easy and you'll get through it.
- Is there any way to save Paul when you meet him in the 'Ton?
Yes, as long as you don't exit the 'ton through the window, he will be alive. If you exit through the window, no matter what (even if you take out all the bad guys), he will be accounted for as dead later in the game.
- How do you save Miguel?
Order him to wait for you at a safe place, and take him with you when you proceed to the next level. He then follows you around like a puppydog through the next level (the return to UNATCO), so again it's best to order him to wait around while you take out the dangers. Do all this and your reward is a warm fuzzy when he says thanks at the helicopter as you leave.
- Where is Anna Navarre's killphrase? Gunther's?
After you break out of MJ12 prison, you need to hack Anna Navarre's computer (or Alex Jacobson's) to get half of Anna's killphrase, and you need to hack Manderley's computer to get the other half. You don't need to hack either if you know the passwords. To get Gunther Hermann's killphrase, right after MJ12 prison, talk to Jaime Reyes and tell him to stay at UNATCO to be your informant. Later in the game, at a diner/bar opposite where you need to meet Nicolette, Jaime Reyes will be there and will give you Gunther's killphrase. Unfortunately, though, if you decide to keep Jaime as an informant and thus getting Gunther's killphrase, you miss out on an Aug Upgrade in Hong Kong. So it's your call.
- How do you save Smuggler?
Visit him when meeting Dowd in Hell's Kitchen, and tell him he's in danger. If you don't, then later he'll be accounted for as killed. I don't remember if there's a benefit (other than the good feeling of doing the right thing, you soulless scum) for saving him, but typically in this game good deeds are rewarded with a character giving you something useful.
- Where is the flooded tunnel on Tonochi Road with the Versalife employee? (mentioned by Tong)
In the freezer behind the bar on tonochi road there are crates stacked in the middle of the room. Climb the crates and to one side there will be three grates, open and get in the middle one and continue as far as you can until you reach the end. Take a swim from there and you'll come up with the employee. Be prepared for a couple karkians.
- Do I need to save Tiffany?
No, but if you do you get an aug upgrade after the ocean lab mission.
- How do you save Tiffany?
Only one of the enemies in the shed will try to kill Tiffany (whether it be the trooper or the MiB), so the most important thing to note is to just occupy both, a gas grenade works great, or if you don't have one a master sniper shot to the MiB and a few rounds of 10mm into the trooper work wonders and just make sure that tiff stays hidden to the other guards until you are sure she can safely make it to the chopper.
- Where is the ambrosia for Stanton Dowd?
On the top deck in the science lab on the ocean freighter that you have to destroy. If you give the ambrosia to him he will give you a picture of Nicolette so you can recognize her later.
- Is there any way to save Jock?
Yes, you have to knock out or kill the mechanic at Everett's place (the "Odd Mechanic" who serviced jock's heli), then run all the way back to Everett to report the mechanic as a spy, then trudge all the way back to Jock. Then there is a brief "crisis" where Jock finds a bomb and takes care of it. If you don't do this, the "crisis" scene doesn't happen and Jock dies in an explosion at Area 51 while you watch helplessly.
- How many endings are there?
There are three game-specific endings, and a fourth one that's just for fun.
- How do I view the fourth ending?
There are a couple ways to do this. In the maps folder of the DX directory there is a file named "DX.dx", copy that file and also make a copy of 99_endgame4.dx. Rename the copy of 99_endgame4.dx to DX.dx and then load Deus Ex. You will see the fourth "ending" in place of the moving Ionstorm/DX logos at the beginning of the game. The alternate version of this is, instead of using file DX.dx, use the file 00_intro.dx. That way, you will see the 4th ending when you load up Deus ex and click on "Play Intro". You could also enable cheats, goto credits, and type in danceparty. Note that this is not a proper ending.
General Game Issues
- How do I enable cheats?
Check out the detailed cheat page for the full deal on how to do this.
- What is the Matrix mode?
Matrix mode is not something that can be described, it has to be experienced. Enable the cheats in your current game as usual. Then hit for the menu screen. Click on CREDITS. As they start rolling, type thereisnospoon You won't see anything but each letter will make a "click" sound from your speaker. If you typo, it makes a "wonk" noise, and you can't continue. When it's done, a bunch of words appear about tricks. back to the game and you'll see all the scrolling numbers.
- How many augmentation upgrades are there in the game?
There are at least 19 aug upgrade canisters in the game. Also, it is not possible to install duplicate augs, but it is possible, if you find a duplicate canister, to install both augs from one canister.
- I think I missed an Aug Canister, are there others?
There are at least 2 of each type of Aug Canister. (except arms and synth heart/recirculator, afawk)
- What does Deus Ex mean?
Deus Ex comes from the Latin phrase Deus Ex Machina -- or god from the machine. In Greek tragedy, the "god" descended onto the stage via a crane to quickly and neatly resolve the drama. Warren Spector chose it because he thought it sounded cool and mysterious, and would also get people thinking. If you know where it comes from you know a little something about the plot.
- How do you pronounce Deus Ex?
Day-oos Ecks
- When was Deus Ex released?
Deus Ex was released in June 2000.
- Is there a patch for Deus Ex 1?
There are several, depending on your needs. They can add multiplayer, fix D3D performance, and fix some single-player bugs. You can download one or more DX1 patches at, and here's the whole DX1 patch selection at FilePlanet:
- English: Single Player Patch (4.6MB) - Here is the patch for single play Deux-Ex that fixes a few bugs. But if you've installed the multiplayer patch, you don't need to install this one.
- English: Single Player & Multiplayer Patch (35.7MB) - This is the latest patch for multiplayer game play. It will work for any previous version of the game and includes a slew of great fixes that you can read about in more info. Also if you grab this patch, there is no need to get the single player patch also since all of their fixes are included in this file.
- German: Single Player Patch (4.8MB) - Here is the patch for Deux-Ex that fixes a few bugs for the single player game, but if you're installed the multiplayer patch, you don't need to install this one.
- German: Single Player & Multiplayer Patch (35.8MB) - This is the latest patch for multiplayer game play. It will work for any previous version of the game and includes a slew of great fixes that you can read about in more info. Also if you grab this patch, there is no need to get the single player patch also since all of those fixes are included in this file.
- French: Single Player & Multiplayer Patch (59MB) - This is the french version of the SP and MP patch. The above descriptions apply.
- Macintosh: Multiplayer Patch (34.5MB) - This patch only works with the full retail release of the game, not the demo. It adds multiplayer support that works against both Macs and PC's.