"Stupid Facts about the Opening Credits."
You watched them religiously from week to week. You tested your friends
who called themselves "true fans" by pointing at a clip and demanding
they tell you which episode it came from. Now, test your own knowledge
as we present "All the Clips, as Best I Remember."
Season Two
(under construction)
- Michael and Hope with Janey crawling ("thirtysomething")
- Elliot dancing "pregnant" ("i'll be home for christmas")
- Hope walking with Janey ("business as usual"--thanks to
Chris Ryerson, still need confirm.)
- Basketball ("therapy")
- Ethan running with a plane ("therapy")
- Melissa dressed up at the loft ("nancy's first date")
- Elliot circling Ellyn with others ("we gather together")
- Nancy carrying Britty, Ethan on the computer ("whose forest is
- Ellyn climbing over the couch ("competition")
- Michael looking despondently at Janey in the tub ("business as
- Melissa analyzing herself ("i'm in love, i'm in love, i'm in love
with a wonderful gynecologist")
- Elliot and Nancy awkwardly approaching a kiss ("nancy's first
- Ellyn laughing over the tattoo revelation ("therapy")
- Hope and Nancy in the park with the kids ("therapy"--thanks
to Chris again, need confirm.)
- Elliot and Michael trying to brainstorm ("nice work if you can
get it")
- Hope and Michael in bed ("born to be mild)
- Melissa sitting with Gary at the piano ("tenure")
- Nancy taking Elliot's hand ("therapy")
- Ellyn holding Janey ("born to be mild")
- Elliot sinking basket ("competiton"--thanks to Cindy Isaacs
for this!/or possibly from "housewarming"--thanks to Markus Schmitz)
- Michael finding the house prepared for Hanukah ("i'll be home
for christmas")
To return to the Season Two index
To return to Bedford Falls home