Gus Hennessey, executive for Minnesota Brands
Marc Levy, who portrayed Gus Hennessey in the season 3 ending two-parter "towers of zenith" recently visited the page and kindly left this note:
I wanted to take a minute to let you know how much I enjoyed your website dedicated to Thirtysomething. Guest starring as Gus Hennessy was a wonderful experience. Not only did I have the chance to participate in the Emmy winning episode of an extremely professional series, but I also had the good fortune to meet and work with some very nice people.
Thanks for all of your efforts.
Happy Holidays!
Marc Levy
Gus tips Michael off to the hostile takeover plan
Be sure to check out Marc's performance in those episodes (that really is his voice in part two--the filmed version of the scene wasn't used in favor of the audio) which were certainly among the best the series ever made. Thanks for visiting, Marc!
Gus, Michael, Miles, and Bob Spano discuss corporate management strategy over dinner
Huge thanks to Bob Fahey for providing the photos of Marc for this page!.
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